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Germany Winterthur (3M) for the following products: high ceramic grinding wheels, CBN, diamond grinding wheels, dressing diamond roller, fine polishing with sand, sand paper, Sandvik blade tool, etc. At the same time,the company is the Luxin High-thch's technology service unit in East China market.

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Safety rules of abrasive : The correct installation of the grinding wheel

  • 1.  安装前应仔细检查砂轮是否有裂纹,并用木锤敲击砂轮,听其是否有哑声,若发现有裂纹或哑声,严禁安装使用。
  • Grinding wheels can be installed only after careful test which proves there are no cracks or abnormal sounds (which can be heard by tapping them with a wood hammer. It is prohibited to use the unqualified ones.)

  • 2.  校对机床主轴转速是否与砂轮端面标明的最高安全使用速度相符。
  • Adjust the revolving speed of the axle of lathes and make sure it complies with the max speed.

  • 3.  在安装砂轮时,应使用卡盘紧固,两卡盘的外径尺寸必须相符,两卡盘与砂轮端面之间,应放上弹性材料制成的厚度为1~1.5毫米的石棉垫、橡胶板或纸板等,并在卡盘圆周外部伸露1毫米以上。
  • When the wheels are being installed, it is a must to fasten them with chucks .The diameters of the chucks must be equal. Asbestos washers, rubber boards or cardboards in thickness 1~1.5mm must be fixed between the chuck and the surface of grinding wheels. It is required to extend at least 1mm of washer or boards around the outside of the chucks.

  • 4.  外径为150毫米及以上的砂轮,装上卡盘后应先进行静平衡;再安装到磨床上进行修整,修整后应再次进行平衡方可使用。
  • Regarding the wheels with diameters more than 150mm, fix them with chucks and test its static balance. Then install the wheels to the grinder for adjustment. After adjusting the wheels, test the balance again.

  • 5.  砂轮孔径与机床主轴(或轴套)的配合松紧要适当,间隙不易过大。
  • The hole and the axle of the lathe (axle sleeve) should fit well, and the rift should not be too big.

  • 6.  紧固砂轮时,只允许使用专用手动螺母扳手,严禁使用补充夹具或敲打工具,如有多个压紧螺钉时,应按对角顺序旋紧,旋紧力量均匀。紧固时,应注意螺母或螺钉的松紧程度,压紧到足以带动砂轮并不产生滑动的程度为宜,防止压紧力过大造成砂轮破损。
  • When fixing grinding wheels, only special nut wrenches can be used .It is prohibited to use calmps or tapping tools. If there are many nuts, the nuts should be fastened diagonally, the fastening force should be even. When the wheels are fixed, close attention should be paid to the tightness of the nuts or bolts. It is available to fix the blots just till the wheels can revolve without any slide so that the breakage of the wheel under high pressure can be avoided.