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Germany Winterthur (3M) for the following products: high ceramic grinding wheels, CBN, diamond grinding wheels, dressing diamond roller, fine polishing with sand, sand paper, Sandvik blade tool, etc. At the same time,the company is the Luxin High-thch's technology service unit in East China market.

资讯要闻 News    

Safety rules of abrasive : The safe use of grinding wheel

  • 1.  在开动机床前,应检查机床的防护装置及各种动作的复位开关是否调整到位且牢固。
  • Before starting the lathe, check the protection cover and the switches for various actions to observe whether they can be adjusted to the place where they should reach and whether they have been fixed.

  • 2.  使用的防护罩,应至少罩住砂轮的一半。
  • The protection cover should cover at least half of the wheels.

  • 3.  砂轮安装于磨床主轴后,必须进行空转,空转时间不少于5分钟。
  • After the wheels are installed onto the main axle of the lathe, they should race for at least 5 minutes.

  • 4.  不是专门使用端面工作的砂轮,禁止使用砂轮端面进行磨削。
  • The protection cover should cover at least half of the wheels.

  • 5.  在进行磨削加工时,禁止使用杠杆推压工件来增加对砂轮的压力。
  • When in use, it is prohibited to push the workpiece with lever to increase pressure on grinding wheels.

  • 6.  磨削加工或修整砂轮时,吃刀量要适当。
  • When processing repairing the grinding wheels, penetrate the cutting tool properly.

  • 7.  在砂轮停止转动前将冷却液关闭,以免影响砂轮的平衡性能。
  • Close cooling liquids before the wheels stop to avoid bad influence on the static balance.

  • 8.  禁止使用对磨具结合剂有破坏性的磨削液。
  • It is prohibited to use destructive grinding liquids to the bonds of grinding wheels.